A newly made stream diversion on the Huntly Bypass Project, in November 2016, and two years later in 2019 after plants have grown.
A newly made stream diversion on the Huntly Bypass Project, in November 2016, and two years later in 2019 after plants have grown.
Pristine kahikatea swamp forest on the Mimi River in Taranaki. Home to giant kōkopu, banded kōkopu, redfin bully and longfin eel.
Large longfin eel caught when sampling in Donald Creek near Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Floating mats of the cyanobacteria Lyngbya sp. in an isolated section of the Maketu-Ongatoro Estuary. Reducing this cover of algae is one reason for the Kaituna River Re-Diversion Project (Bay of Plenty Regional Council).